Animation Festivals Directory

Comprehensive list of international animation festivals to visit or submit to

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Home to 289 international animation festivals

Download Festival List

We understand that, although may help identify suitable festivals to submit to, nothing beats your own spreadsheet to monitor and track submissions (and successes!). Which is why we have developed a downloadable list of all festivals, to give you a head start and make it quicker and easier.

Animation List Download CSV (Excel)

To save you from compiling your own list from scratch, for only £20 you can download our current list of festivals which contains:

  • Festival name
  • Start date & end date
  • Submission deadline
  • Whether there is an entry fee
  • Exclusively animation festival
  • Website URL
  • Email address
  • Country
  • Submission & FilmFreeway URL

  • Secure
  • Once you have made payment, you will receive an email with the download link

Your payment details will be processed by PayPal

Note: The file that we supply is a CSV format, which can be opened directly in any version of Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet will replicate the information found on this website, and we can make no guarantee about the validity, relevance or accuracy regarding each festival listing.

Once the download link has been generated and emailed to you, we cannot provide any refunds, but if you have any problems or questions, please contact

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