Animation Festivals Directory

Comprehensive list of international animation festivals to visit or submit to

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Home to 289 international animation festivals


Who we are provides the animation community with a constantly updated directory of festival listings.

We are a small, but dedicated team, who aim to provide the International animation community with a constantly updated directory of festival listings. The website is completely free to use; our only request is that if you see a listing that is either out of date or incorrect, you edit it. That way the community constantly benefits.

No one else like us was born out of the need for a comprehensive directory of animation festivals around the world. Unless you have been in the animation industry for a number of years and built up your own database of festivals, there are very few places, if any, where you can find up to date festival listings all year round.

Whereas there are many film festivals out there, and it is not difficult to obtain a listing of these, it is a time consuming task finding out which ones accept animation. Students, producers, directors and others do not have the time or resources to search for the relevant festivals, among all the others.

animation-festivals is a very specific online resource which aims to take this headache away. But we can’t do it without your help…

Why we chose to open it up

Animation and film festivals the world over come and go in relatively short spaces of time. Some festivals are fortunate enough to run annually year after year, while some only have a life span of a year or two. wants each and every festival (that showcases animation) to be listed, regardless of its regularity. Festivals that run only once or twice can chose to be removed after the festival ends at the click of a button.

As this kind of resource could not be managed by a few individuals, we created a site which works very much like Wikipedia, and allows listings to be update by festival directors and employees, students, animators, producers, studios, local event coordinators, production house, and YOU!

How we work

As we stated above, we are completely free to use, search, add, edit and delete festivals. If you plan to add, edit or delete an entry all you will need to do is complete a very simple login form to become a registered user. This will give you all the privileges you’ll need, plus you can opt in for an email newsletter that will send you details of up and coming festivals.

If you find this website useful, and would like to support us, we would appreciate any donations you can make via our Support Us page.

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