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Toronto International Short Film Festival

28 August - 31 August 2025

Contact: Nicole Mársal


Phone: 818.508.0800

Address: Toronto

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

Toronto Shorts International Film Festival is the largest short film festival in Canada. Toronto Shorts provides a showcase for the best short-form cinema and its creators in the world, held annually in the heart of Toronto.

We feel that short form cinema and its creators should have their own premier film festival in Toronto deserving similar recognition given to the feature film and its creators. The heart of the festival will be our quality and scope of extraordinary film programming.

Toronto stands as the largest media market in Canada, it boasts the world-renowned Royal Ontario Museum, the massive Art Gallery of Ontario, the Soulpepper Theatre Company, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and now a premiere international short film festival.

In order to showcase the best short films and its filmmakers from around the world, we created the Toronto Shorts International Film Festival. Toronto Shorts is a where films from a wide spectrum intersect. Animations, documentaries, comedies, narrative, genre, and graduation short films from some of the finest film schools. Just relax and enjoy the thrill.

Year established: 2013

Is this festival exclusively animation?: No - this is a film festival but with a specific animation category

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Submission deadline:
4 July 2025

Entry fee:
(US Dollar) $39-69


  • Audience Award(s)
  • Best Animated Music Video
  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Experimental Animation
  • Best of Fest
  • Best Comedy
  • Best Documentary
  • Best Web Series

Submission methods:

  • FilmFreeway

Non-English language films must have English sub-titles.

Works-in-progress will be considered, provided they will be completed prior to the festival.

You may submit more than one film, but you must complete a separate entry form and pay the entry fee for each film.

Link to Submit

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