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San Diego International Kids’ Film Festival

22 August - 24 August 2025

Contact: Wantong LI


Phone: 3109402598

Address: 28321 Ridgehaven Ct.
Rancho Palos Verdes

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

The San Diego International Kids’ Film Festival promotes the idea of entertainment with education. Supported by many across the world, the festival supports the entertainment and education industries by showcasing international films, and gives young, aspiring filmmakers a channel to communicate to an international community. The resulting collaboration produces a unique multicultural experience, engaging young viewers with positive media, as a diverse education.

Year established: 2003

Is this festival exclusively animation?: No - this is a film festival but with a specific animation category

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: Yes

Physical event or online?: Physical Festival

Submission deadline:
31 July 2025

Entry fee:
(US Dollar) $25-100


  • Best Animated Feature
  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Youth-made Film
  • Best Children-made Film
  • Best Screenplay - Feature
  • Best Screenplay - Short
  • Best Music/Songwriting Contest

Submission methods:

  • FilmFreeway


• Films must have a completion date of Jan 1, 2020, or later.
• Acceptable NTSC exhibition formats are: DVD, Blue-ray
• All non-English language films must have legible English language subtitles.
• All entries submitted must be suitable for children ages 18 and under.
• Films accepted into the festival must arrive with shipping and customs duties or taxes pre-paid.
• You may submit a completed paper submission form.


• Entries received late or incomplete may be disqualified.
• The action of the film should be child & family-driven and the stories should be culturally authentic, timely, and of universal appeal.
• Films submitted to SDIKFF should be made for, rather than about, children and family.
• Film content should be creative, highly original, and demonstrate artistic and technical mastery.
• Content should speak positively to children of diverse backgrounds and cultures and should provide strong role models for both boys and girls.
Criteria for non-acceptance of films into the festival include:
• Excessive or gratuitous violence, nudity, or profanity.
• Content that advocates and supports racial, cultural, religious, or gender bias.
• Any submission not subtitled or dubbed into the English language.

Entrants are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses, royalties, release forms, clearances, and permits necessary to present their work. San Diego International Kids' Film Festival is not responsible for any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, or royalty infringement related to the work.
Every precaution will be taken to safeguard all materials sent to the Festival, but the Festival is not responsible for damage to submitted materials incurred by shipping to or from the Festival.

Submission Package:
• Signed and completed Entry Form (one entry form per film or episode)
.3 preview copies DVD(NTSC only),
• A minimum of one (1) still from the film (color preferred, B&W accepted). Digital stills and press kits are preferred. Stills must be 300 dpi and at least 4"x 5" in size and contain an actual shot from the film.
• You may email stills to
• Payment
The stated submitter will be considered the contact person for the film and thus will be the only one receiving emails and information regarding the status of the film's acceptance at the festival.


San Diego International Kids' Film Festival is a competitive Film Festival. Films accepted are automatically eligible for the applicable competition category. There are three age groups: Children ( age 6-14); Youth ( age 15-18); Adult: age 18+; under each age group, there are categories in Live auction ( feature and short); Animation ( feature and short); Mix-media ( feature and short); Documentary ( feature and short). In addition to all official selections being eligible for Jury, Audience, and Festival Honors awards, a jury comprised of filmmakers ( both young and adult) and industry representatives will screen all competition finalists, deliberate and announce the results at the end of the Festival.


Filmmakers will be notified on or before August 2, 2023 as to whether or not their film has been officially selected. Upon acceptance you will receive an email verifying your acceptance. Be sure to have on your accepted email list.

Link to Submit

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