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Magma International Short Film Festival

4 November - 9 November 2024

Contact: Giulia Iannello


Phone: +39 3286292879

Address: Associazione Culturale Scarti, Via Kennedy, 68
95024 Acireale (CT)

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

In contrast to bigger Italian film festivals, Magma has always focused on the short film, considering it as a separate art form, as a format allowing the experimentation of new styles and the creation of new trends, the presentation of works from both first-time amateurs and established directors. The festival offers a chance of visibility for high-value works that are often precluded from the main distribution channels.

Year established: 2002

Is this festival exclusively animation?: No - this is a film festival but with a specific animation category

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Physical & Online Festival

Submission deadline:
30 June 2024

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Best Animated Short
  • Lorenzo Vecchio Award

Submission methods:

  • Online Upload (via festival site)

Maximum length allowed for each film is 20 minutes. Short films in languages other than Italian must be provided with subtitles either in English or Italian.

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