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Home to 291 international animation festivals

Sommets du cinéma d’animation

26 May - 1 January 1970

Contact: Marco de Blois


Phone: 514.842.9763

Address: 335, de Maisonneuve Est
Quebec, Canada
H2X 1K1

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

Organized by the famous Cinémathèque québécoise, Sommets du cinéma d’animation de Montréal (Montréal Animated Film Summit) celebrates animation in all its forms, from heritage films to new media by way of current production. The Official Selection is dedicated to Canadian productions and coproductions. A unique event in Quebec, the festival celebrates an art form that has long brought international recognition to Quebec and to Canada.

Year established: 2002

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Physical Festival

Submission deadline:
28 February 2025

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Best Animated Documentary
  • Best Animated Music Video
  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Animated Short (Student / Graduation Film)
  • Best Commissioned Film
  • Best Experimental Animation
  • The awards are dedicated to Canadian productions and coproductions. The Guy-L.-Coté Grand Prize for the Best Animated Film; The Special Prize of the Jury; The Raoul-Barré Student Competition Award; The Award for the Best Commissioned Film; The Public Award; The Award for the Best Character

Submission methods:

  • Online Link (& Password)

None listed

Link to Submit

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