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Festival Biennial of Animation Bratislava (BAB)

9 October - 13 October 2024

Contact: Lucia Dubravay Trautenberger


Phone: +421 2 20 467 141

Address: Panská 41

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

The Festival Biennial of Animation Bratislava (BAB) is without a doubt the historically longest festival of animated films in Slovakia. It was founded in 1985 as a part of BIB (The Biennial of Illustration Bratislava) and in 1991 it received an international film festival status, and not only for children and youth, but also for adult viewers. The festival has been closely cooperating with the UNICEF organization since its origin and it has been a part of the ECFA (European Children’s Film Association) organization since 2018.

The festival’s mission is to present animated creations while also educating its viewers about this art, be it through a discussion platform – The International BAB Forum – or through content which we are creating with the help of animators from Slovakia. This is one of the ways we make it possible for our viewers to look behind the curtain of animated film creation.

We’ve been a competing festival since 2003. Over 1800 films from all around the world entered last year and we picked over 100 of the best ones for the competition. The jury, consisting of experienced and respected animation personalities, makes decisions about the competing films and awards them in numerous categories. The best film wins the award of Viktor Kubal, the father of Slovak animation. Many famous animators such Frédéric Back, Michael Dudok de Wit, Garri Bardin, Caroline Leaf, Co Hoedeman, Piotr Dumala, Michel Ocelot or Jan Švankmajer were guests of our festival in the past and we also hosted prominent jury members such as Gene Deitch, Aurel Klimt, Sayoko Kinoshita, Jean-Luc Slock or Géza M. Tóth.

Year established: 1991

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Physical & Online Festival

Submission deadline:
31 March 2023

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Best Animated Feature (for Children)
  • Best Animated Short (for Children)
  • The Viktor Kubal Awards – awarded by the international jury for the best animated short films in competition in two categories: for children and youth
  • An Award for the best animated feature film– awarded by the international jury for the best animated feature in competition made for children and youth
  • The Children’s Audience Award – awarded by children for the best animated film in competition
  • Prix Klingsor – a lifetime achievement award that goes to an exceptional artist of worldwide reputation for his or her life’s work in the field of animation
  • The ECFA Jury Award – awarded by a jury consisting of ECFA members
  • The St. Vojtech Award – for the best animated film made in the Visegrad countries
  • The UNICEF Award – awarded by the UNICEF organization
  • The Literary Fund Premium – a financial prize for the best Slovak animated film awarded by the Slovak Literary Fund
  • The Albin Brunovsky Medal of Honor – for outstanding artistic contribution in the field of animation
  • The Junior Award – for the best animated film made by children

Submission methods:

  • FilmFreeway

None listed

Link to Submit

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