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Fest Anca International Animation Festival

24 June - 29 June 2025

Contact: Jakub Spevák


Phone: +421 918 237 842

Address: Stanica-Záriečie

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

Fest Anča International Animation Festival is unique in being the only Slovak multimedia festival focused on animated film targeted mainly at a mature audience. It is the first film festival in Slovakia with the prestigious status of Academy Awards® Qualifying Festival. The festival aims to raise awareness about animated film as an autonomous art form, and to educate about its multiple types and aspects.

The competitive programme comprises a selection of the stand-out animated films completed in the last two years. The festival includes an international competition of animated short films, music videos, and slovak animation. Through non-competitive thematic sections and focuses, Fest Anča presents artistic and production milestones in the history of animation. Additional accompanying events include presentations, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, film screenings for children. The festival’s industry forum is targeted at film professionals with a focus on the planning, development and presentation of animated film projects.

Year established: 2008

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Physical Festival

Submission deadline:
31 January 2025

Entry fee:


  • Best Animated Music Video
  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Animated Short (for Children)
  • Best Animated Short (Student / Graduation Film)
  • Anča Award for Best Animated Short
  • Anča Award for Best Student Animated Short
  • Anča Award for Best Animated Music Video
  • Best Anča Award for Animated Short for Children
  • Anča Award for Best Slovak Animated Short.

Submission methods:

  • FilmFreeway
  • Online Link (& Password)


Festival recognised by: (what does this mean?)

  • Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences

Link to Submit

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