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Feinaki Beijing Animation Week

15 November - 18 November 2024

Contact: Feinaki Assistant


Phone: +86 13041053023

Address: Inside-Out Theatre
Haidian District

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

A festival curated from the eyes of animation artists, a screening journey to explore poetry and inspiration, with audience together we create a garden for our mind.

Feinaki Beijing Animation Week is an animation festival curated by the internationally well connected Chinese animation artists, researchers and curators who frequently travel between animation festivals across the world. The festival was established in 2019 and has been held 5 times by 2023.

We dedicate our effort to inspire and encourage animation artists, present their works for the purpose of continuous exposure and becoming more internationally received, as to promote a more prosperous ecosystem for animation creatives.

The 6th edition of Feinaki Beijing Animation Week will be held in 15th – 18th November 2024. Our entry call opens from 1st May to 1st August 2024.

Year established: 2019

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Submission deadline:
1 August 2024

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Best Animated Music Video
  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Animated Short (for Children)
  • Best Animated Short (Student / Graduation Film)
  • Best Commissioned Film
  • Feinaki Award
  • Procreate Award for Creativity in Animation
  • Jury's Choice Award

Submission methods:

  • Online Link (& Password)

For individual submission, each film should be submitted with its own entry form. Every submitted film should include the following materials: 1. The download link of the film file (MOV or MP4 format, please compress to less than 1GB), or a password-protected online preview link 2. Completed and signed entry form 3. A profile picture of the director (300dpi) 4. 3 screen shots of the film (300dpi) 5. (Optional) 1 poster of the film (300dpi) 6. (Optional) Trailer of the film (MOV or MP4)

Link to Submit

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