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Euganea Film Festival

4 September - 14 September 2025

Contact: Marco Trevisan


Phone: +39 0429 74309

Address: Riviera Belzoni 22

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

Euganea Movie Movement is an association founded in 2005 that operates in Veneto for the promotion of Italian and foreign film culture through the organization of events, courses, exhibitions and events, with particular attention to regional production. Its main expression is the Euganea Film Festival which takes place in the summer months in the Euganean Hills area and since 2002 has proposed a selection of over 50 works every year, including documentaries and short films of fiction and animation, which are presented in evocative environments such as parks, villas and castles and accompanied by special events such as concerts, workshops, meetings with authors and theatrical performances.

Year established: 2002

Is this festival exclusively animation?: No - this is a film festival but with a specific animation category

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Physical Festival

Submission deadline:
31 March 2025

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Best Animated Documentary
  • Best Animated Short

Submission methods:

  • Online Link (& Password)

None listed

Link to Submit

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