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Home to 291 international animation festivals

CTN Animation Expo

20 November - 23 November 2025

Contact: Show Manager


Phone: 818 827 7138

Address: The Burbank Marriott Convention, 2500 Hollywood Way
CA, 91505

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

The CTN Animation Expo is a unique event that, once a year, brings together the many creative elements of the animation art form whether digital or drawn. Held during the official proclamation of Animation Week in Burbank Ca our mission is to mutually benefit the animation artist games education film and video communities and the individuals in those communities by providing a collaborative arena to promote the betterment and future growth both locally and internationally – and have some FUN doing it!

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

This festival does not accept submissions

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