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CAFF The Cultural Animation Film Festival Online

15 October - 17 October 2024

Contact: Valerie Ceroni


Phone: 310-770-2073

Address: 1110 University Avenue #308

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

CAFF, the Cultural Animation Film Festival is designed to showcase unique animated films based on the cultures of who we are. Our hopes is that these films will shed a better light on who we are as a people. We also hope that CAFF will inspire animators both new and seasoned from around the world to create films and share their stories.

Year established: 2017

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Online Festival

Submission deadline:
10 September 2024

Entry fee:
(US Dollar) $0-8


  • This is a non competitive festival. Guidelines for submission are pretty straight forward. Animated films can be of any length but must tell a cultural based or culture of story. Animation/live action combo
  • video game demos and experimental films are also accepted for submission. Live Action films and Animation Reels will not be accepted.

Submission methods:

  • FilmFreeway

This is a non competitive festival.

Link to Submit

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