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Animahenasyon: The Philippine Animation Festival

16 November - 17 November 2024

Contact: Micah Ronquillo


Phone: (632) 8817.2727 local 810

Address: 5/F C2 bldg., Bonifacio High Street Central, 28th St., corner 7th Avenue, Bonifacio Global City
Taguig City
Metro Manila

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

The event is composed of a conference, film screenings, and a competition. Our aim is to cultivate conversations around developing ideas into unique content that could propel the Philippine animation industry forward toward building a strong catalogue of locally produced films and TV series.

Year established: 2007

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Physical event or online?: Online Festival

Submission deadline:
15 September 2024

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Animated Short (Student / Graduation Film)

Submission methods:

  • Online Link (& Password)

The competition is open to all Filipino students and professional animators. The entrant may or may not be a citizen/resident of the Philippines. As long as they have Filipino lineage, they are qualified to join the competition.

The entry form and regulations are available online at

1.) A signed authorization letter and data privacy consent form in a separate file folder labeled ENTRY FORM;

2.) A JPEG or PNG file format with 600 dpi resolution of three (2) photos or screenshots (Landscape orientation) from the animated work submitted, and also one (1) recent photo (portrait orientation) of the animation director/s with their best animated pose (as long as the face is still clearly visible and recognizable) in a separate file folder labeled PHOTOS;

3.) A JPEG or PNG and PSD file format with 600 dpi resolution of the movie poster for both portrait and Landscape layout [size must be 12 inches x 18 inches] in a separate file folder labeled POSTER;

4.) ​A PDF file of the Animation Director’s brief biography/profile (100-150 words) in a separate file labeled PROFILE;

5.) A copy of the animation entry (put the complete title of the film as the file name) in full or high-resolution, QuickTime, AVI, or MPEG4 file, with a frame size of 1920 x 1080.

6.) A 5-second trailer of your animation entry.

Link to Submit

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