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ANIMAGE – International Animation Festival of Pernambuco

3 November - 8 November 2024

Contact: Antonio Gutierrez/ REC-BEAT PRODUCTIONS


Phone: +55 81 3231-3422

Address: Rua da Aurora, 325 - Sala 202 Ed. Ébano - Boa Vista

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

The ANIMAGE – International Animation Festival of Pernambuco – the public will have the opportunity to check out in the cities of Recife and Olinda, the national and international productions selected by our curators, and may also participate in professional training activities in the animation area. All of this, due to the extensiveness of our activities, divided into: competitive and non competitive exhibitions, special sessions and masterclasses.

For animation filmmakers, the festival represents the encouragement and recognition of professionals, enabling the free screening of productions to an audience of more than 10,000 people.

The films can also compete for money prize and ANIMAGE Trophy in different categories. The festival also promotes outdoors special shows, specially directed for children.

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Submission deadline:
20 July 2023

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Audience Award(s)
  • Best Animated Short
  • Best Animated Short (for Children)
  • Best Brazilian Short Film

Submission methods:

  • Online Link (& Password)
  • Online Upload (via festival site)

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