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Animateka International Animated Film Festival

2 December - 8 December 2024

Contact: Igor Prassel


Phone: -

Address: Mednarodni festival animiranega filma Animateka/Društvo 2 koluta
Tugomerjeva 8
1000 Ljubljana

Festival website

  • About
  • Submission Info

Animateka, a week-long international festival of animated film, takes place every year in Ljubljana’s Kinodvor and Slovenska kinoteka. Beginning on the first Monday in December, it focuses primarily on the latest production of East and Central European short films. European student films and International films for children are also presented in competition programs. The festival includes a wide range of historical and thematic programs, which offer the audiences an insight into the beginnings and the development of animation, and present them with an overview of the best contemporary short and feature animated films on a worldwide scale.

The festival annually hosts many international authors and authorities in animation, which has made it an important crossroads of experiences, ideas and opinions, as well as a creative environment and a hotbed of new projects. And on top of that is wider known for its hospitality and animated parties!

Year established: 2004

Is this festival exclusively animation?: Yes - this is exclusively an animation festival

Is there a marketplace at this festival?: No

Submission deadline:
15 July 2024

Entry fee:
FREE! There is no charge for this festival


  • Audience Award(s)
  • Best Animated Short

Submission methods:

  • Online Link (& Password)
  • Online Upload (via festival site)

None listed

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